Property Cleaning Services in Canonbury

Being the leading house cleaning company in Canonbury makes us the best candidates for your attention. We just can’t wait to tell you everything about our house cleaning service which is about to change your whole life. You may have heard that nothing compares to professional cleaning and we must admit this is the truth indeed.

When you leave your house in the expert hands of a team of professionals, you can’t go wrong. We always keep in touch with the latest cleaning innovations and our technicians are fully prepared to apply right away the new knowledge they receive. This is what makes them the best.

Your house might not look dirty or neglected, but deep down inside you realize that you often tend to ignore the cleaning chores and opt for a night out or a movie night. This results in your house getting dustier and the laundry piling on the floor next to your washing machine. Our technicians would love to take care of these things and many more house chores you simply despise doing.

House Cleaning 10% off
Regular Cleaning £22
One Off Cleaning £22
Deep Cleaning £145

    After our house cleaning appointment, your cabinets will be fresh smelling again, your floor will be thoroughly scrubbed. The cleaning technicians will sanitize your bathrooms and toilets and return them to their glory days.

    Apart from being house cleaning experts, our cleaning teams have their ID and references checked before they start working with us, so you can be sure they are reliable technicians. They are based here in Canonbury and they are available for booking seven days a week.


    • What does your house cleaning include?
    • Our cleaning service includes domestic duties such as wiping cabinets and cupboards, polishing the kitchen appliances, hoovering the carpets, washing the hard floors, cleaning the bathroom, scrubbing the tiles, dusting, etc. However, if the customer provides us with a to-do list, we will be happy to work as per their request.
    • Who is going to clean my home?
    • The cleaning session will be carried out by a team of hard-working and diligent experts with wide expertise in house cleaning. Being professionally trained, they are able to tackle all types of domestic chores quickly and efficiently. For your peace of mind, all our representatives are background checked and have clear criminal records.
    • Do I need to provide any supplies for the cleaning session?
    • No. Our cleaning crew will arrive at your address armed with the necessary arsenal. All materials, required for the cleaning session are included in the price. As our main objective is to ensure a healthy living environment for every client, we work only with environmentally responsible products.

    They also work always with insurance against accidental damage, like something expensive breaking. This will give you the peace of mind you deserve and will make the cleaning process a lot easier and stress-free. We want what’s best for you and our house cleaning service is a tried and proven solution for all your worries.

    You can contact us on the number listed below and ask any appointment related questions you might have. Our employees are ready to help you with all the details around the scheduling. We work with clients in Canonbury and the neighbouring cities and we can’t wait to meet you.

    “Your technicians did wanders with my living room. I was impressed by their courteous manner. They arrived promptly and finished in no time. They treated every surface of it gently and I dare to call them professionals. – Susan”

    “Very professional team. Giving excellent customer service and a first class job. They carried out their work smoothly, no complications what so ever. Hiring your company was definitely the right decision. My living room has never looked so clean and you can count on me to recommend this company from now on. – Milla”